April 5, 2008

the texts.

What I've been reading:
batman: year one- frank miller
the dark knight returns- frank miller
the original x-men, the uncanny x-men, the ultimate x-men
The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love- Oscar Hijuelos
Breath, Eyes, Memory- Edwidge Danticat
The Half-Mammals of Dixie- George Singleton
20th Century Ghosts- Joe Hill

What I'm reading now:
Fresh Lipstick- Linda Scott

some of the things I'm looking forward to reading soon:
Watchmen- Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons
Green Lantern/Green Arrow Collection, Volume 1- Dennis O'Neil
on comics
Super Heroes: A Modern Mythology - Richard Reynolds
Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art- Scott McCloud
Comic Book Nation: The Transformation of Youth Culture in America - Bradford W. Wright
on television
Beautiful TV: The Art and Argument of Ally McBeal- Greg Smith
Redesigning Women: Television after the Network Era- Amanda Lotz

What I've been watching:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Season 7)
highlight: series finale- Chosen
The New, Original Wonder Woman
Arrested Development
highlight: gob, his illusions and the final countdown
Freaks and Geeks
highlight: the show is set in 1980 and goes all out to get authentic, original music and it makes all the difference
batman begins
superman returns
the x-men
clerks, mallrats, chasing amy, dogma

what i've been listening to:
alkaline trio
the draft
hank williams III

what i've been thinking about:
moving to austin, texas to get my master's in the department of radio-tv-film at the university of texas (see Mary Celeste Kearney "The Changing Face of Teen Television or Why We All Love Buffy" in Undead TV, S. Craig Watkins Hip Hop Matters, and Janet Staiger Media Recepton Studies)

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